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The Courtyard, Bishops Palace TBC

10:00am - 


Shelley will be hosting a one day workshop introducing you to the art of linocut printing.

Shelley will be hosting a one day workshop introducing you to the art of Linocut printing.

The session is designed for complete beginners and those with some knowledge – you will learn how to use the lino tools safely to create interesting and diverse marks which will help inform your designed image. You will then transfer your image to a sheet of linoleum, cut out your image and be shown how to print one colour using water based inks and use a hand printing technique, without the use of a press.

t the end of the sessions you will take away unique prints as well as gaining sufficient experience to continue on your own.

No previous experience is required – this course is designed for complete beginners to enjoy, and/or those with some previous experience.

All materials will be provided, just bring a simple sketch, ideas, lots of enthusiasm and be prepared to go home with inky fingers!

Private/custom workshops are also available. Please contact Shelley for further information.

10 in stock


No previous experience is required – this course is designed for complete beginners to enjoy, and/or those with some previous experience.

All materials will be provided, just bring a simple sketch, ideas, lots of enthusiasm and be prepared to go home with inky fingers!

At the end of the sessions you will take away unique prints as well as gaining sufficient experience to continue on your own.

Private/custom workshops are also available. Please contact Shelley for further information.

Other available dates...

Saturday 20th May 2023
10:00am - 
Shelley will be hosting a one day workshop introducing you to the art of linocut printing.
Saturday 29th July 2023
10:00am - 
Shelley will be hosting a one day workshop introducing you to the art of linocut printing.


Saturday 9th September 2023
10:00am - 
Shelley will be hosting a one day workshop introducing you to the art of linocut printing.


Saturday 7th October 2023
10:00am - 
Shelley will be hosting a one day workshop introducing you to the art of linocut printing.



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